Blog Entries - Sep. 2023

Celebrating one year with General Manager, Steve Fritz!
Since 1803, we’ve been a gathering place. With that legacy comes a whole host of wonderful personalities who have helped make the Golden Lamb what it is today. As we tell stories of our past, we also want to bring you

Golden Lamb makes list of Ohio Supernatural Sightings
Ohio ranks #3 in nation for ghost sightings By Carlos Mathis, WDTN If you’ve ever thought you’ve experienced paranormal activity, you could be correct. According to a new study, there have been 2,948 reports

Golden Lamb included in Cincinnati Refined’s Lebanon Neighborhood Spotlight
Neighborhood Spotlight: Lebanon By Amy Scalia, Cincinnati Refined Located about 30 miles north of Cincinnati and 30 miles south of Dayton is Lebanon, an area known for its history, charm, great shopping with

AAA names Golden Lamb an "Ohio Historic Restaurant to Try"
Try These Historic Ohio Restaurants History is part of the meal at these four historic restaurants in the Buckeye State. By William J. Purpura, AAA World "Many years ago, my then-girlfriend, now-wife wondered